Welcome to our website gunshop4you.com. These Terms of Use govern access to and use of the gunshop4you.com. Access to and use of this website as well as the purchase of products from gunshop4you.com are based on the assumption that these Terms of Use have been read and understood and accepted by you.

This website is managed and maintained by the sole proprietorship gunshop4you.com (hereinafter referred to as the “business”), based in Kavala, at 11 Gravias Street, 65403, Kavala and VAT 127249681. For any other legal information, please refer to the Exchanges & Returns section. If you do not agree with the terms of use of the company in whole or in part, please do not use our website.

Access to and use of the gunshop4you.com, including viewing websites, contacting the business, downloading product information and making purchases from the website, are carried out by our users solely for personal purposes, which must not be connected in any way with any commercial, business or professional activity.

We remind you that you are responsible for the use of the gunshop4you.com and its contents. The company is not considered responsible for the use of the website and its content by any of its users that is not in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, without prejudice to the company’s liability for intentional offenses and gross negligence.

In particular, you are responsible for disclosing information or data that is incorrect, false or concerning third parties (in case such third parties have not given their consent), as well as for any unlawful use of such data or information.


The business has adapted the GDPR framework.

The processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR 2016/679), any more specific national and European legislation for certain sectors, the applicable Greek legislation on the protection of personal data, as well as on the protection of personal data and privacy in the field of electronic communications (Law 3471/2006, as applicable) and the decisions of the Personal Data Protection Authority (DPA).

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You can configure the browser of your computer in such a way that it either warns you about the use of cookies in specific fields of this website, or does not allow the acceptance of the use of cookies in any case.


The contents of the gunshop4you.com including, but not limited to, works, illustrations, images, dialogues, music, sounds, videos, documents, sketches, sizes, logos and any other material published on the gunshop4you.com in any form, such as menus, web pages, graphics, colors, designs, tools, fonts, website design, diagrams, layouts, methods, procedures, functions and software that are part of the gunshop4you.com, are protected by any other intellectual property rights of the undertaking and the respective rightsholders.

The company has the exclusive right to approve or prohibit any reproduction (direct and indirect, temporary or permanent or by any other means or in any form, in whole or in part) of its gunshop4you.com and content.

Regarding the use of gunshop4you.com, only the display of the website and its content is allowed.

It also allows all other temporary acts of reproduction which are transient or incidental and which form an integral and essential part of the promotion of the gunshop4you.com and its content and which do not have independent economic significance to be carried out. In addition, you are allowed to browse the website for the purpose of lawfully using the gunshop4you.com and its content.

You may not reproduce, by any means or in any form, in whole or in part, the gunshop4you.com and its contents. The authors of the works published in gunshop4you.com are entitled at any time to claim authorship of their work and to oppose any distortion or other modification of the works, including any damage to the works which may be detrimental to the honor and reputation of the authors.

You undertake to comply with the copyright of authors who choose to publish their work on the gunshop4you.com or have collaborated with the gunshop4you.com to create new expressive and artistic works for the purpose of publishing them, not only exclusively on the website, or which are an integral part of the website.

In any case, you may not use, in any way or form, the content of the website or any individual work protected by copyright or any other intellectual property right. For example, you must not alter or modify the content of the website or any work protected by copyright and any other intellectual property right without the consent of the company and without the consent, where necessary, of each author of the works published in the gunshop4you.com.


The Website may include hyperlinks and links to other websites. The company expressly declares that it bears no responsibility for the content of the above websites, which are governed by their own terms of use which the User must read carefully, before browsing any of them.


The company has made every effort to prevent the publication on its website of content that describes or reflects situations of physical or psychological violence or content that, depending on the sensitivity of gunshop4you.com users, may be considered to violate political beliefs or human rights and human dignity in all its forms and manifestations.

In any case, the company does not guarantee that the content of the website is appropriate or legal in other countries outside Greece.

However, in the event that such content is considered unauthorized by law or illegal in some of these Countries, please do not visit our website and in the event that, nevertheless, you decide to visit it, we hereby inform you that you will be solely and personally responsible for the use of the services provided by gunshop4you.com and in which you are engaged.

The company has also adopted measures to ensure that the content of the gunshop4you.com is accurate and does not contain incorrect or out-of-date information.

However, the company cannot be held responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the content published by the company on its website, except in relation to its liability for intentional offenses and gross negligence and as otherwise provided by law.

In addition, the company cannot guarantee that the website will operate uninterruptedly, without interruptions and errors due to the connection to the Internet.

At the same time, please contact your Internet service provider or check if each device for connecting to the Internet and accessing web content is properly enabled, including the browser.

Although the company makes the best efforts to ensure smooth access to its website, the dynamic nature of the Internet and web content may not allow the business to operate without pauses, interruptions or discontinuity due to updating the website.

The company has implemented adequate technical and organizational security measures to protect gunshop4you.com services, the integrity of traffic data and electronic communications in order to prevent unauthorized use or access to data as well as the risks of dissemination, destruction and loss of data and confidential / non-confidential information about gunshop4you.com users and to avoid unauthorized or unlawful access to those data and information.


The company has made every effort to prevent the publication on its website of content that describes or reflects situations of physical or psychological violence or content that, depending on the sensitivity of gunshop4you.com users, may be considered to violate political beliefs or human rights and human dignity in all its forms and manifestations.

In any case, the company does not guarantee that the content of the website is appropriate or legal in other countries outside Greece.

However, in the event that such content is considered unauthorized by law or illegal in some of these Countries, please do not visit our website and in the event that, nevertheless, you decide to visit it, we hereby inform you that you will be solely and personally responsible for the use of the services provided by gunshop4you.com and in which you are engaged.

The company has also adopted measures to ensure that the content of the gunshop4you.com is accurate and does not contain incorrect or out-of-date information.

However, the company cannot be held responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the content published by the company on its website, except in relation to its liability for intentional offenses and gross negligence and as otherwise provided by law.

In addition, the company cannot guarantee that the website will operate uninterruptedly, without interruptions and errors due to the connection to the Internet.

At the same time, please contact your Internet service provider or check if each device for connecting to the Internet and accessing web content is properly enabled, including the browser.

Although the company makes the best efforts to ensure smooth access to its website, the dynamic nature of the Internet and web content may not allow the business to operate without pauses, interruptions or discontinuity due to updating the website.

The company has implemented adequate technical and organizational security measures to protect gunshop4you.com services, the integrity of traffic data and electronic communications in order to prevent unauthorized use or access to data as well as the risks of dissemination, destruction and loss of data and confidential / non-confidential information about gunshop4you.com users and to avoid unauthorized or unlawful access to those data and information.


The company fully complies with the provisions of the Civil Code regarding the sale as well as the provisions of Law 2251/1994 on Consumer Protection as codified and in force today.

The company in the context of its transactions from the online store informs the Customer based on the data kept each time of availability or not of the products and in no case can guarantee their availability. In any case, the company undertakes to inform the Customer in a timely manner about the unavailability, in which case it does not bear any further responsibility.

The company strives to provide high quality services on a daily basis. In good faith, the company is not responsible and is not bound for any errors in features, photos and product prices listed in the online store and cannot ensure that there will be no errors from any cause when entering and / or updating the features and / or price of a product.

The company has no responsibility from any unauthorized third party interventions in products and / or services and / or information available through the online store.

The company does not declare in any way that the information contained in the documents and announcements published on this server is suitable for any purpose. Any such document and related graphic representation is provided “as is” without any warranty of any kind.

The company bears no responsibility or liability for any damage and / or moral damage that may result from failure to provide support services.

The company makes every effort to provide high quality services but cannot guarantee that there will be no interruptions or errors.


All listed prices within the online store include Value Added Tax (VAT) The prices of the online store can change at any time and will be posted on the site.


According to Directive 2013/11/EC, which was incorporated in Greece by JMD 70330/2015, the possibility of electronic resolution of consumer disputes with the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) procedure is now provided for throughout the European Union. If the customer has the status of a consumer (i.e. a natural person acting outside of a professional capacity) and has any problem with a purchase made from our Website, he can initiate the ADR procedure through the single EU-wide platform for online dispute resolution (ODR platform) available


These Terms of Use are governed by Greek law.